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Business Venture


Great new product

Hi everyone,

Inventions come in many forms from the usual ones in technology, like advancements in space travel or exploration to new methods of cleaning environmental hazards such as the recent oil spill.

The invention can also consist of something else like guidance in the form of a book or eBook describing doing something such as a how-to or a cook book for example. Although something like a cook book is usually made up of ideas from several sources it contains many recipes handed down from generations of family members, friends or the cook themselves.

Another type of invention can be one that improves an already existent product increasing its functuality and improving its performance. There are patents available for improvements to already established patents.

And there is also an invention of a new product for example a new food source such as a salad dressing like Newman's Own for example or J-Lo's perfume's. These things do not really revolutionize the future or propel us into it but they are none-the-less important as they add variety to the world and allow a developer or inventor to create a living for themselves and their investors if they have any. Its all part of the American Dream but more truthfully its all part of capitalism.

I have a food product I would like to market. I need capitol in order to do so. I need capitol to protect my idea and patent it or copyright it. I need capitol to manufacture and distribute my product first national then perhaps overseas as well and in to Canada. My product isn't something that will change the future or revolutionize mankind but it is the most tasty seafood salad sauce you will have ever tasted in your life I guarantee it or your money back.

The recipe comes from my late mother as handed down to me by her because of my absolute love for it not to mention the reaction I get when I make it for friends or family.

The ingredients are fairly common and easily obtainable only one ingredient is patented currently by a company and would have to be procured under agreement with them. Or a similar alternative would need to be made. I am seeking an investor to get this product to the final bottled stage ready for the shelves of North American Grocery stores and Deli's. I need someone to manufacture this item in quantity and bottle and label it under my label. I need someone to distribute my product to all the large food chains on the West and East coast of North America for a start.

I'm serious about the marketability of this product. I know I can get testimony from those around me that have had the pleasure of trying this product freshly made by myself in my own kitchen.

Anyone serious about investing either for profit or not for profit may post their interest. Manufacturers and distributors are needed as well as advertizing funds. Lets keep moving ahead.

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